Thought Leadership

Zero-emission possible

Michael Jansen’s company is using AI to enable zero-emission buildings, with a mission to drive change globally

Finding security in data

The public sector’s data practices must be fixed before it becomes a fast favourite for hackers, says Netwrix’s Ilia Sotnikov

Harrow: The Council of Change

Harrow Council’s IT team take Tech For Good behind the scenes of a digital transformation programme that is improving the lives of its workers and residents.

Series Four: Tim Guilliams

Tim Guilliams is co-founder and CEO of Healx.

In this podcast, Tim reveals how machine learning is helping in the discovery of treatments for rare diseases.

Series Four: Kristian Rönn

Kristian Rönn is CEO and co-founder of Normative. In this podcast, Kristian tells us about the technology that helps businesses with carbon accounting.

Sparking into life

We track the current state of the EV market. How close is the revolution? What are the barriers? And will Tesla dominate forever?

Partners For Change

How Mars, Google, and AMV BBDO proved to a sceptical world that coral reefs can be restored.

Thought Leadership

Zero-emission possible

Michael Jansen’s company is using AI to enable zero-emission buildings, with a mission to drive change globally

Finding security in data

The public sector’s data practices must be fixed before it becomes a fast favourite for hackers, says Netwrix’s Ilia Sotnikov

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