
Stephen Foreshew-Cain writes exclusively for Tech For Good

How to unblock public-sector AI

Stephen Foreshew-Cain, CEO of Scott Logic, explores how the UK public sector can overcome legacy IT, data silos, and skills gaps to successfully adopt AI and transform services.

A Second Chance To Shine

Ashish Prashar’s journey from youth offender to the Prime Minister’s press secretary and CMO at RG/A demonstrates the importance second-chance hiring.

Harrow: The Council of Change

Harrow Council’s IT team take Tech For Good behind the scenes of a digital transformation programme that is improving the lives of its workers and residents.

Using data to save lives

The battle to tackle a serious opioid epidemic across the USA was going nowhere, so the Commonwealth of Virginia fought it with data

Series Three: Sergio Budkin

Sergio Budkin is Director of Market Development for Virgin Media 02.

In this podcast, Sergio shares some steps towns and cities can take to become smarter, greener and healthier.


Stephen Foreshew-Cain writes exclusively for Tech For Good

How to unblock public-sector AI

Stephen Foreshew-Cain, CEO of Scott Logic, explores how the UK public sector can overcome legacy IT, data silos, and skills gaps to successfully adopt AI and transform services.

A Second Chance To Shine

Ashish Prashar’s journey from youth offender to the Prime Minister’s press secretary and CMO at RG/A demonstrates the importance second-chance hiring.

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