7 Ways an HPE Aruba access point will improve your network security

As modern technology advances and businesses become increasingly digital, cyber threats have also been proliferating at an alarming rate. These threats are also growing in sophistication as cyber criminals exploit new tools such as generative AI and chatbots for illicit purposes.

Companies today thus face an ever-growing array of risks that can disrupt their operations, damage their reputations, and lead to significant financial losses. In such an environment, it’s unsurprising that many organisations are ramping up their spending on cybersecurity in the hope of strengthening their technology infrastructure against both internal and external threats.

If you haven’t already begun investing in improved cybersecurity solutions for your business, then it may help you to start by turning your attention toward your network security. Modern organisations depend on the internet for the majority of their operations and processes, which also makes online environments prime targets for bad actors.

One such investment that can significantly enhance your organisation’s security posture online is an HPE Aruba access point. Renowned for its robust security features, this line of devices is specially designed to safeguard your network against a wide range of threats, from ransomware attacks to data breaches.

This article will explore some of the key ways an HPE Aruba access point can bolster your network security. Once you understand these benefits, you can make a timely decision about integrating this advanced technology into your business’s cybersecurity strategy.

1. Integrated threat detection and response

Modern businesses operate in a world where cyber threats are a constant reality rather than a simple possibility. To combat this, HPE Aruba access points are equipped with sophisticated intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) that actively monitor all network traffic.

These systems don’t merely wait for threats to arise; they proactively identify and neutralise potential risks in real time. Whether it’s a rogue device attempting unauthorised access or an attack trying to exploit vulnerabilities, Aruba’s integrated threat detection ensures that you can address such dangers swiftly before they can impact your operations.

2. Advanced Encryption

Securing communications should be a paramount concern for your business as data breaches grow more common. HPE Aruba access points duly support the latest encryption standards, including WPA3, which is designed to provide stronger protection against eavesdropping and unauthorised access.

Aruba encrypts data as it travels across your network and thereby helps safeguard sensitive information. With this solution in place, you can be confident that your business’s communications remain confidential and secure from prying eyes.

3. Role-based access control (RBAC)

In addition to keeping external threats out, securing a network is also about managing internal access effectively. With an HPE Aruba access point, you can implement role-based access control (RBAC), a powerful feature that lets you define who can access what on your network.

Instead of granting blanket access to all users, you can instead tailor permissions based on specific roles within your organisation. This minimises the risk of internal breaches and ensures that sensitive data is only accessible to those who truly need it, following the principle of least privilege.

4. Dynamic segmentation

The complexity of a business’s networks grows alongside the business itself. It can often be harrowing to manage this complexity while maintaining security, especially when different types of data are being transmitted simultaneously.

An HPE Aruba access point can simplify this task with its dynamic segmentation feature. Rather than allowing all traffic to flow freely across the network, Aruba automatically segments it based on predefined policies. This means that sensitive data, such as financial transactions or confidential communications, remains isolated from less critical traffic. Separating your data in this way reduces the risk of a security breach affecting your most valuable information.

5. Secure guest access

In many businesses, offering guest Wi-Fi is a standard courtesy extended to clients, visitors, or contractors. However, without proper controls, guest access can become a potential security vulnerability.

You can utilise an HPE Aruba access point to provide a secure, isolated environment for guest users. Aruba’s secure guest access solutions ensure that while your guests enjoy seamless connectivity, they are kept entirely separate from your internal network and have no access to your business’s critical resources.

6. Zero trust security architecture

Trust is a concept that has been fundamentally redefined in the world of cybersecurity. With threats coming from both external and internal sources, adopting a Zero Trust approach is no longer optional.

Fortunately, you can integrate an HPE Aruba access point seamlessly into a Zero Trust security framework, where every user, device, and application must verify its identity before gaining access to the network. This way, you significantly reduce the risk of internal threats and guarantee that only authorised entities can interact with your network’s resources.

7. AI-powered security insights

Cyber threats are not static in nature; they continuously evolve, and you’ll need to invest in security tools that can keep up. Cutting-edge solutions like HPE Aruba’s access points take advantage of artificial intelligence to enhance your network’s security posture.

Aruba’s AI-powered insights analyse network traffic, looking for unusual patterns or potential risks that traditional security measures might miss. When the solution detects a threat, it can take immediate action, from sending alerts to automatically neutralising the threat. Furthermore, it will help you gather valuable insights that’ll inform your ongoing cybersecurity strategy and empower you to approach network security more proactively.

Again, it’s no longer an option for modern organisations like yours to depend on outdated technology that risks compromising their networks. The investments you make in advanced solutions like an HPE Aruba access point will do much more than protect today’s business—they’ll also prepare you for the cybersecurity and business continuity challenges of tomorrow.


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