Samara Lao

Combining AI and Blockchain for Improved Data Security

Combining AI and blockchain for improved data security

Combining AI and blockchain revolutionises data security by enhancing integrity, anomaly detection, and automated responses. This synergy creates a robust foundation for safer, more efficient databases across various industries.

JPMorgan: Walking The Walk

JPMorgan Chase & Co’s Tech For Social Good team is celebrating 10 years of doing good, impacting thousands of non-profits and empowering its own workforce.

Harrow: The Council of Change

Harrow Council’s IT team take Tech For Good behind the scenes of a digital transformation programme that is improving the lives of its workers and residents.

Gordie Ross

Gordie Ross is a video games developer in the burgeoning education gaming space. In this podcast, Gordie explains why gaming should be a fundamental part of our education systems.

Series Three: Margareta Mucibabici

Margareta Mucibabici is Public Affairs Manager for UiPath.

In this podcast, Margareta discusses RPA’s potential to positively impact the world through “automation for good” initiatives.

Samara Lao

Combining AI and Blockchain for Improved Data Security

Combining AI and blockchain for improved data security

Combining AI and blockchain revolutionises data security by enhancing integrity, anomaly detection, and automated responses. This synergy creates a robust foundation for safer, more efficient databases across various industries.

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