Michael Lynch

JPMorgan: Walking The Walk

JPMorgan Chase & Co’s Tech For Social Good team is celebrating 10 years of doing good, impacting thousands of non-profits and empowering its own workforce.

Creating A Pathway To Hope

Gilead Science’s PrEP Hub® platform is a gamechanger in the fight against HIV – both the disease and the stigma.

Exploring e-Estonia

Siim Sikkut, Estonia’s Government CIO, on how the country became one of the world’s most digitally-advanced societies

Tom van Aken

Tom van Aken is CEO of Avantium, a company which has pioneered a plant-based plastic called PEF. In this podcast, Tom discusses how renewable chemistry could revolutionise the packaging industry.

Teenage Tech Stories: Guardians of the GalaxSEA

Kiefer Ong, Pierre Yeap and See Jay Ng are the three members of Guardians of the GalaxSEA. In this podcast, the Singapore-based team explains how they have used orange peel extracts to synthesise an eco-friendly magnetic ferrofluid to help clean up oil spills.

 Michael Lynch

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