Felix Ohswald

Harrow: The Council of Change

Harrow Council’s IT team take Tech For Good behind the scenes of a digital transformation programme that is improving the lives of its workers and residents.

Crowdfunding futures

Beam’s Alex Stephany and Julian Keenaghan tell us how the charity’s crowdfunding approach is grounded in tech

Teenage Tech Stories: Emma Yang

At only 17, Emma Yang is the founder of Timeless, a mobile app that helps Alzheimer’s patients stay connected to their loved ones. In this podcast, Emma talks about the process of building her app and what it means to be named as one of the 100 Faces of Impact globally.

Series Two: Albane Bruyas

Albane Bruyas is COO of Scaleway, the European cloud provider breaking new ground with some of the most advanced energy and water efficiency systems in the industry. In this podcast, Albane tells us why sustainable data centres are “mandatory”.

Felix Ohswald

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